St. Joseph The Worker School

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Good Touch/Bad Touch Sessions

Good Touch/Bad Touch Sessions

Just as the adults of SJW are required to complete the Virtus Training--Protecting God's Children, the students of St. Joseph the Worker School are required to complete the Teaching, Touching Safety/Good Touch-Bad Touch program.

This program teaches our children a very comfortable way to talk about a very sensitive problem-abuse. Lessons will be held over several days during class time.

The children will learn (in a specific age appropriate program) the following concepts to help lessen their vulnerability to abuse:

1. Touch can be good, bad, or confusing
2. Children are special and have the right to know all the safety rules
3. Children can say NO to touches they don't like or make them uncomfortable.
4. Children can tell a trusted adult if they every have a problem with sexual abuse, bullying or other confusing touches.
5. Abuse is NEVER a child's fault.

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