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Primary Knights Fitness-3-5 Assignments

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Workout plan in Google Classroom

Workout plan

If you were to make up a workout plan what would it consist of? List the exercises and give me two examples of the exercises. Either record yourself or look up exercises on the internet.


Race to 100 in Google Classroom

Race to 100

List the exercises you had to do for the race to 100


Walk around the neighborhood in Google Classroom

Walk around the neighborhood

Take a picture of something that caught your eye while you are out on your walk.


Spring Break in Google Classroom

Spring Break

What did you do over spring break? Were you a couch potato or were you active? What were some of the activities you did?


Activities in Google Classroom


Write a half a page of what activities you have done.


What is sweat? in Google Classroom

What is sweat?


Nutrition 4th Grade in Google Classroom

Nutrition 4th Grade


Jump rope/ line jumps in Google Classroom

Jump rope/ line jumps

So I would like for your first day is to do daily stretches before we do any exercise to make sure you are lose and ready to go. After if you have a jump rope at home I would like you to do 5 sets of a minute each. Take 20 seconds in between each set. If you do not have a jump rope any house hold item you can jump over and back for the same amount of time as the jump rope.


Nutrition 5th in Google Classroom

Nutrition 5th